티스토리 뷰
07. 툴박스 에드온 - Color Picker
css 코드에서 색상 코드에 ctrl + 마우스 왼쪽 클릭 하면 색상이 바로 보이고
툴박스에서 Color Picker 기능을 사용할 수 있다.
1) Tools > Macros > Create New Macro 클릭
2) 제목은 Color Picker 입력 ( 제목은 상관없다 )
Language 는 Javascript 에 체크하고
3) OK를 누르면 Toolbox에서 Color Picker 항목이 생겼다.
더블클릭하면 팔레트 사용이 가능하다.
4) css의 색상코드에서는 ctrl + 마우스 왼클로 색상이 바로 보인다.
=========================== 영어 원문 ====================================
source) https://www.techportal.co.za/software-applications-hardware/65-other/komodo-edit/123-how-to-add-a-color-picker-utility-in-komodo-edit.html
How to add a Color Picker utility in Komodo Edit?
Question: How to add a Color Picker utility in Komodo Edit?
Follow the steps below in order to add the color picker
In Komodo click on the Top Toolbar TOOLBOX->ADD->NEW MACRO
Give your Macro a new name eg. Color Picker
Set the language to JavaScript
Copy the following code into the textarea below underneath where you set the language
* JavaScript macro to provide a basic color picker for hexadecimal colors.
* Assign a useful keybinding to this macro and ka-zam, funky color picking!
* Version: 1.3
* Authored by: David Ascher
* Modified by: Shane Caraveo
* Todd Whiteman
* Conor Kerr
* Michal Ko?arek
* [ADDED] 1.3: Color picker parses named colors from selection as well.
* [ADDED] 1.2: Support for pre-selected colours without a hash and 3 character
* colour codes added.
function system_colorpicker(color) {
var sysUtils = Components.classes['@activestate.com/koSysUtils;1'].
if (!color)
color = "#000000";
// If color is not in hexa format (#XXXXXX, #XXX with/without hash)
// convert the color to hexa format before passing it to color picker
if (!/^#?[\da-f]{3}(?:[\da-f]{3})?$/i.test(color)) {
var span = document.createElement('span');
span.style.color = color;
var color_rgb = window.getComputedStyle(span, null).color;
color = rgb2hex(color_rgb);
delete span;
// Make sure selected colour is in correct format (preceded by hash) before passing to dialog
var hash_added = false;
if (color.charAt(0) != '#') {
color = '#' + color;
hash_added = true;
// Handle 3 character (shorthand) colour representations
if (color.length == 4) {
color = color.substr(0, 2) + color.charAt(1) + color.charAt(2) +
color.charAt(2) + color.charAt(3) + color.charAt(3);
newcolor = sysUtils.pickColor(color);
if (newcolor) {
var scimoz = ko.views.manager.currentView.scimoz;
// Remove any hash added to the selection
if (hash_added) {
newcolor = newcolor.substr(1, newcolor.length - 1);
scimoz.anchor = scimoz.currentPos;
function colorpicker_onchange(event, cp) {
var scimoz = ko.views.manager.currentView.scimoz;
scimoz.insertText(scimoz.currentPos, cp.color);
// Move cursor position to end of the inserted color
// Note: currentPos is a byte offset, so we need to corrext the length
var newCurrentPos = scimoz.currentPos + ko.stringutils.bytelength(cp.color);
scimoz.currentPos = newCurrentPos;
// Move the anchor as well, so we don't have a selection
scimoz.anchor = newCurrentPos;
// for some reason we get the event twice, removing
// onselect fixes the problem. Tried to solve it
// by canceling the event below, but it went on anyway
event.cancelBubble = true;
function remove_colorpicker() {
// remove the popup from the document. this cleans up so
// we can change the macro code if needed
var p = document.getElementById('popup_colorpicker');
if (p)
function init_colorpicker() {
var p = document.createElement('popup');
p.setAttribute('id', 'popup_colorpicker');
var cp = document.createElement('colorpicker');
cp.colorChanged = colorpicker_onchange;
cp.setAttribute('onselect', 'this.colorChanged(event, this);');
* Convert CSS color representation from rgb(...) string
* to the hexa format with hash on beginning.
* @param color {String} Color in rgb(...) css format
* @returns {String} Color in hexa string (#xxxxxx) (Falls back to black color)
function rgb2hex(color) {
var match = color.match(/rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)/i);
if (!match)
return "#000000";
for(var i = 0; i < match.length; ++i) {
match[i] = (match[i] < 16 ? '0' : '')
+ parseInt(match[i]).toString(16).toLowerCase();
match = '#' + match.join('');
return match;
var currentView = ko.views.manager.currentView;
if (currentView) {
var os_prefix = window.navigator.platform.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase();
if ((os_prefix == "win") || (os_prefix == "mac")) {
var color = null;
try {
color = ko.interpolate.interpolate(window, ["%s"], [])[0];
} catch(ex) {
// No selection, ignore this error.
} else {
var scimoz = currentView.scimoz;
var pos = scimoz.currentPos;
var x = scimoz.pointXFromPosition(pos);
var y = scimoz.pointYFromPosition(pos);
var boxObject = currentView.boxObject;
var cp = document.getElementById('popup_colorpicker');
x + boxObject.x,
y + boxObject.y,
Click on Key Binding and select your Shortcut key combination that you want to trigger the Color Picker with. I used CTRL+ALT+c
NOTE: This has been tested on Komodo Edit 5 (Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty)
SOURCES: http://community.activestate.com/forum/color-picker-macro-useful-css
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